Bossology 102:

Bossology 102:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Why does every VH1 "love" reality show have a PART 2?

I'm starting to think that these celebrities are just looking for some booty without effort and without leaving the comfort of their own home (or the one that VH1 has provided for them). Why is it that bad tv is the hardest to STOP watching? I couldn't get enough of "Flavor of Love" or "I Love of New York". . . I watched the first season of "Rock of Love" but that's it! I'm not even going to lie, I watched "For the Love of Ray J" from the beginning to the reunion. . .but are we seriously going to do another season? I can't stand Ray J, he's like a wannabe R&B singer who tries to be a "thug".

Well, get ready for Season 2. . .I'm not sure when it's hitting the plasma, but you better believe I'm sure to watch it!

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